Sunday, June 1, 2014

So this time it's really about Vintage

Why Vintage ... well here goes - it's about time I said something about why I am VintageBarbara.

There was a time when I lived in a grey world, of black and white TV, in a 1930s semi detached house with no central heating.  The house also contained a small bookcase of works by Dickens and Huxley (but little else for a while). I did have shoes though. I went on holidays, packed in the back seat of the car with all the luggage, to spend two weeks in a tent in Devon with Mum and Dad.  Always, given the option, I chose the tent in Devon, close to Dartmoor - my favourite place was Dartmeet. (I loved the cream teas they served there too.) I was an average kid who didn't enjoy school much (sadly, on reflection) and much preferred playing with my pals (mostly the boys I grew up with) in the park, making dens in the woods, riding on box carts and climbing trees, or just walking.  I lived opposite a large park and would escape there whenever I could. Some things have stayed with me since that time, as I loved them and I cannot say why.

A love of cars! Special for me was my Dad's garage, detached brick and tile with rafters hung with all sorts of things  I especially remember that oil and metal smell from work on the car and the tools he stored there. Sundays were often spent in the garage helping him paint something or fix the car. Dad was originally an engineer, but eventually found that selling engineering tools was more lucrative, and provided us with the car he couldn't have afforded otherwise. To earn my pocket money I would clean the car, polish the chrome and make sure it was sparkling.  Dad taught me how to change a wheel when I was about 10 years old.  He had a new car every few years and it was always the latest model of whatever the fleet were handing out. I do remember a blue Consul Classic with wings at the back and that back swept rear window. I know, basic stuff, nothing truly exciting, but it seemed so to me as a small kid at the time. Brooklands is a place I go to now sometimes just to smell that garage smell again.

Brooch by Sphinx
A love of jewellery. Back in the dark days of school, I was told I would have to learn to play the piano so I could be a concert pianist like my Aunt. To me, the music was dull, the scales repetitive and seemingly pointless. I was far more interested in by the brooch worn by my piano teacher than playing the piano. I knew if I played my scales very very very evenly she would close her eyes and seemingly nod off. Yes she did!  It passed the time and the lesson was soon over. Long after the piano lessons ceased and my memory of that faded away, I remembered that brooch.  I now know it was most likely by Sphinx and I am pretty sure I have one like it now (above right).

A love of Star Cut glass. You know that simple tiny star design you see etched on some old glasses? The first time I saw a glass like that, Dad was picking up a special ring he had bought for Mum from a local antique shop. I must have been about 10 years old, possibly younger, and had 7s 6d to spend on something for Mum too. I had no idea what to buy for her, and was just looking around. Then I saw them, the little glasses - a set of four - each with a little handle and studded with stars.  I fell in love with them instantly. So excited, I went over to Dad and asked him to have a look at them. He agreed they were lovely, but I couldn't afford them. They were a guinea! So disappointed and crestfallen I tried to find a way to buy them but there was no way I would be able to find the money. However, as we were leaving the antique dealer said I could have them for whatever money I had. He said he had never seen anyone so young get so genuinely excited about an antique. I was stunned (still am - I don't think Dad coughed up on the quiet either, the antique dealer genuinely let me have them for about a third of the marked price). I gave them to Mum for Christmas that year. She loved them too. I still have the glasses, and many more with that design since.

Having said all of this, today is better. It's in colour for a start. So don't think that loving a few good things from the past means I would rather be there. Oh no. Now is good. Now I have the galactic interweb and can buy things from all over the world at the click of a button. Ooops. There I go again. Someone please save me from eBay (no don't actually). 

Still to come:

More things, and much more on Jewellery, much much more. Be warned!