Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring #Innit ... a time of change

So Twitter says #Hashtags and @signs are passé and old hat, and they will go. I don't mind about losing the @sign, just type a name or use a dropdown, I can deal with that.  That reminds me of the old days when you had to use <b> to embolden a word, or <u> for underline was it?  In Wordperfect or Prime or Nixdorf? Yes I am that old! I barely remember now! So yes, we got rid of upfront HTML in word processing so it makes sense.  But I would miss the #Hashtag. Still, many of us don't use it in the way that Twitter does. Its a joke. That's the whole point. So #LongLiveTheHashtag.  And Twitter is eight years old - I wonder how anachronistic hashtags will seem in another eight years time!

Spring means a big change of course, and it's here now thank goodness.  Already the Snowdrops and Crocus are fading, some of the early Daffodils in the garden are already going over. The Hyacinths are out, and we await the Tulips, Forget-me-nots and Bluebells.  The dark red leaved Cherry, the loveliest of trees, has dropped nearly all its delicate pale pink petals now.  And glory of glories, the Magnolia has opened up at last. British Summer Time approaches fast! 

For so many weeks we watched the flood waters rise, with terrible consequences for so many. Now there is little evidence to be seen, apart from the towpath down by the bridge being covered in silty sludge and the water table still high, evident in some water meadows. The real consequences for so many people are hidden inside their houses, now being dried out and refurbished. Recovery will take time.   

This time of year brings many sad memories for me.  My Mum, Dad and Auntie all passed away in March and early April.  Its 'that time' when energy returns, or not. This week I went to the funeral of an old family friend. She lived a long life, full of joys and lots of hardship too.  We had kept in touch with her and were glad to hear from her son that those small acts of kindness, letters, photos, just keeping in touch, had been very welcome and supported her over the years. Those little things matter so much, letting someone know you care, if not spoken out loud, by just not letting go and abandoning them.

There were good things to remember at the funeral, old friends to reconnect with and time to remember the life we lived 30 years ago. For me, a moving moment was seeing the son of a friend, looking so like his Uncle who died tragically years back. Time became meaningless and for a fleeting moment he was standing in front of me again.

So excuse me if I am a little melancholy and reflective at the moment, it's that time of year. I am comforted by the thought of good days ahead, and I can carry with me the wonderful  memories of family and old friends. 


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