Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gifts from Abroad

Well, what would you do, if one day your friend on the other side of the world said “I have a spare ticket for Top Gear filming”.  Half joking, half hoping, I was able to offer Snowy the opportunity of a lifetime.  To my amazement and delight the response was “Hold on let me check my schedule” then “checking flights!”. 
Yes Snowy decided to fly all the way from the Pacific side of Canada to England just to come and see the filming of some pokey little motoring show to be shown on BBC2.  Bit of a nutter? Yes! With little more than a week’s notice she was organised, packed and on her way. 

Snowy can give you more details but here’s my account of “The Day”.

The night before filming we had a lovely meal out at a local Italian restaurant.  Wine and good conversation flowed. Later I disappeared off to bed early in the hope of a good night’s sleep before the big day.  Snowy and CR continued to chat and drink wine until a little later.  

By 2 am I was still awake, just as nervous as I had been on the night before the first filming I had attended, anxious that all would go well for Snowy, that we would be in a good position to see filming and meet James again during the tea break. 

Eventually, and mercifully, I slept a full four hours.  Up early just after 6 am to wash my hair and get ready, we left just after 8 in my car with Enid (SatNav Lady) to guide us.  We picked up our first guest, then on to our other guest (my boss). We swapped cars and happily we were driven the rest of the way to the Airfield.  “Is this the turning?” asked the driver … “yes!” at last we are there.  After driving up to the familiar gate (familiar if you have watched James’ drive to the office) we show our ticket and the man hands over the precious wrist bands! We are in! We park up on the grass and wander over to the portacabin where they sell the t-shirts and other bits and pieces.  I pick up a rather nice Top Gear Keyring.  

Snowy and I have a photo taken outside and post it on Twitter! Yes word is out, we are there! In person!  Excitement and anticipation mounts.  

My stomach is still churning with anxiety and nervousness.  We approach the TopGear Loos. Stinky is the word and no water to wash your hands with… the only downer of the day.  Drinking water is used instead and the lemon scented hand towels we bought earlier come in useful.  
Now time for a little something to eat.  I can recommend the hot dogs … the others enjoyed the bacon and beef-burger baps. All are yummy. We have been sheltering under the trees by the burger van as we eat and while the car park fills up.  It’s a sweltering hot day and everyone is moving over to the little shade along one side of the field under the hedge, so we join them, grabbing a picnic rug from the car, more water and the Quiz, which we complete.  Sadly I forgot totally where we had to hand them in so later, when they were handing out the prize, I felt a little embarrassed.  (Remember to hand your quiz into the same place where you buy the t-shirts!)

We sit and chat for an hour or so grateful for the shade.  I recommend we move down to where the little talk will be given by the Floor Manager.  The crowd grows and people start to move forward. We have our little chat and people are asked to move back.  No handbags are allowed in the studio, so those ladies with bags have to dash back to their cars. 

Then we are off, walking down the slope (don’t run in case you slip on the grass), around the corner, and into the hangar. We are checked for wristbands.  We head straight for our chosen spot.  Yes we are there.  Another chat from another floor manager, then a chat from the Director who introduces Jeremy.
There he is, Mr Clarkson himself just a few feet away from us, joking with the audience, putting us at ease. Telling us how and when to laugh! Yes we have to laugh again authentically during re-takes (not that there are many)!  Jeremy is in his usual jeans, a white t-shirt and a blue and white flowery shirt.  The shirt is unbuttoned. Not the greatest look for a man with that tum, but hell who cares.  Some people like that sort of thing.  

Then he drops the bombshell. It’s time to introduce Richard and James. Horror of horrors. He warns us, James has had a haircut! Noooooo…. Surely not!  Snowy is here for the hair!  So here comes Richard, wearing smart dark jeans a white shirt and … yes on a hot day a very smart grey tweed jacket.  Plonker  (yes he does get hot later).  And then Richard introduces James … we hold our breath… there’s James a few feet away, blue and white leather deck shoes (they look new), jeans, a yellow and white paisley shirt (Liberty fabric most likely) and the hair … yes the hair is still there! A few layers added to shape it a little more than last week but yes it’s still long. Phew! Snowy smiles.  

There are no green chairs on the stage yet.  They will be added later.  Jeremy introduces the first section of the programme (the trip from Gibraltar to Madrid).  No autocue. The intro is memorised.  Just a few moments before you see Jeremy going through the words he has to say in his head, then he turns to camera, says his lines perfectly and we all applaud.  One take.  Perfect. Then the lights go down and they show the film up on the screens around the studio.

After the film the lights go up and we see cameras being adjusted, the famous green chairs being put up on stage and soon we are ready to see “The News”.  Jeremy banters with one chap in the audience … what won’t make the edit!   It is all hilariously funny, one of the best. Some is the same script as last week but parts which were not shown, so it is reused, nothing wasted, they are all good stories.  They are word perfect. It all looks so natural and spontaneous but we know they scripted it, memorised it and then bounce off each other and act naturally. They are so professional.  They obviously enjoyed themselves greatly … one section is so funny James laughs almost uncontrollably.    In fact it’s so funny they keep going back over it again and again and don’t have time for another bit of the script … which they will use next week.

So The News is over, and the next section of the Spain trip is introduced over by the three cars in another section of the studio.  The guys leave, the lights go down and we watch the screens. 

Soon the film is over and it’s time for tea.  Yes it’s that time.  The last time I was there James was outside offering tea.  Will he be there again? We were one of the first out of the Hangar and yes, there he was, a few people standing a few feet away nervously.  We go over and he offers us the gift of tea. 

Snowy gives James the gift she has brought from Canada a “Big” bar like the one he had on the Polar expedition.  “Oh I love those thank you!”  He’s very pleased with that and also signs the photo Snowy has brought with her, the one of him in the helicopter.  “That’s an old one” he says. 

I am taking photos through all of this and Snowy and James stand together for more formal pics.  She had put her camera down on the table and when we are finished taking pics, James grabs her camera and takes a picture of her, then one of me, and then on of another lady standing by.  He says “Send them to me” ….

I am beside the table with tea on it, which is has plenty of cups ready for others to drink; not many are taking tea, more have water. “Will you have tea?” he says to me again (yes again) picks up a cup and hands it to me. “Yes please, lovely, but may I have a photo too, and an autograph for myself and my friend?  My friend in the US asked for an autograph so I had printed off a photo that I took last week.  He signs it for her putting her name at the top.  He knows her name and asks after her.  Thoughtful  man.  He signs my photo too "My God that shirt is bright!" Then we have a photo taken “Do you want a huggy one” he asks “Yes please!” So the arm is around my shoulder again (yes I know … do you want the details or not!?).  Photos are taken.  “Sorry about the cold hands last time” I hurriedly think of something to say, “That’s all right, they are hot this time” he says.

Then it’s time for us to let someone else have the gift of tea with James.  It’s all over too soon. A quick loo break (at least this one had water for washing hands) and back to the Hangar. We know that Benedict Cumberbatch is the SIARPC so I want to get into a good spot to be able to see the filming face to face this time.  I was at the back when Ron Howard was filmed and had to watch on the screen.  I get into place but Snowy wants more pics with James … she doesn’t know who Benedict Cumberbatch is! You go I say, knowing I have another opportunity next week.  She wanted a pic of the three of us but, well I was torn.  I stayed in place for SIARPC  filming.  I learn later that she gets a great selfie with James and he gives her the flake out of his 99.  Lucky girl. 

So the SIARPC interview is hilarious and very naughty. I will not say any more but suffice to say I think Jeremy quite liked Mr Cumberbatch’s mum. They edited that bit out! I think he enjoyed taking a ‘swipe’ at Jeremy  later! 

After the interview there’s an intro to the next section of the Spain film.  I am beside the Yellow McLaren but not in shot, too far behind others although I can sneak a peek at filming. 

After the intro they break and the guys troop back to the Green Room.  We are encouraged to spread out and watch the film around the hangar as it’s so hot.  I stay near the McLaren.  The last part of the film is shown and they all settle back around the three cars ready for the final sequence. I end up at the front which is nice and can watch as James reveals the results, and of course the Audi ‘wins’.   I also notice there’s a camera pointing in my general direction for when Jeremy and Richard talk. Hmmm perhaps I will be on screen after all.

Filming finishes and we are all a little disappointed it only took until around 5.30 pm, earlier than last week and much earlier than the 7 pm on the ticket.  It all went so smoothly. As Jeremy, Richard and James leave they walk right past me. “Bye bye” I said as James passed … “Bye bye” he says. 

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