Thursday, July 4, 2013

Stepping over the Crisps

Stepping over the Crisps 

Top Gear Filming at Dunsfold, 3rd July 2013
So filming finished and they said we could go outside for tea and yes, as promised by James, free crisps.
We were told to wait until the doors opened and they had removed a car. Eventually the doors were fully open and we all spilled out into the bright light. The day had been cloudy with a few spots of rain but somehow it was still a bright day; one where you felt the benefit of sunglasses even without direct sun. 
I had been standing right opposite the famous green chairs while the presenters did ‘The News’ (and yes there is #GoodNews!) so we had to wait a while until we could get outside as we were right in the middle of the hangar. 
As we got outside people were milling about and I could not see any of the ‘stars’ mingling. Then I noticed there was a slightly denser crowed furthest away and caught a glimpse of a tall chap with grey hair and a colourful shirt in the middle somewhere.  After a quick dash through the crowd I could see there was James, serving tea and telling people to help themselves to crisps. 
There were three flavours, Plain, Salt & Vinegar and Cheese & Onion, in three separate boxes on the floor between us and James. They were plain crisps, not the ridged kind.  I think it is important to go into that sort of detail at this particular moment in order to set the scene.  There was a trestle table to the right set up with a large tea urn. James was filling polystyrene cups and handing them out.  He stopped to have pictures taken with various people, then continued pouring tea and offering to those who wanted it.
 Then it was my turn. 
“Do you want a cup of tea?” he asked, looking straight at me.
No nerves now just “Yes please.  Hello, I am Barbara and this is Jane”
“Ah, Barbara and Jane.”
“I think you owe me a cup of tea by now” Jane piped up.
“Oh you’re Jane, of course I don’t know what you look liked because you are a cartoon.”
“Can I step over these boxes please, and have a picture?” I asked.
“Yes of course, step over”
So there I was on the other side of the crisps, having a picture taken of me with James.
“So did you know each other before?”
“No, it’s all your fault.” 
“Your hands are cold”
“Sorry about that”
 And that was it; it’s all I can remember.  That and an arm around my shoulder.
Then it was Jane’s turn and we swapped cameras.
(I will be discreet and just put in brackets that Jane stepped into the crisps rather than over them. But she recovered her composure quickly after James asked her to stop crushing the crisps!)
I took pictures of Jane and James and they said a few words. She asked for his autograph and I, back on the other side of the crisps now, passed over my Head Squeeze card for him to sign too.  It’s the yellow one of him holding up a pair of Victorian Ladies undergarments. 
As he signed my card he asked Jane how many x’s he had put on her card so he could be sure to do the same on mine.  Just one. 
We stepped away and watched as others were given the gift of tea and had their pictures taken.
I suddenly realised my friend Cherry hadn’t had her picture taken with James. The normally very social Cherry was having a shy moment, so I pushed her forward and asked James for a pic with her. 
Immediately she put her arm around his waist asked James if he had any tips for someone with a 50th birthday approaching.  Now Cherry just comes up to James’ shoulder (she doesn’t look anywhere near 50 either) … she looked up and he looked down “50? Surely not! And which one are you?”  “Oh I am with VB and I am RainbowRed” she said. I didn’t hear any more of the conversation but she had some lovely pics taken! 
We also saw Geena have her picture taken and she gave James a big hug.
Then we were all asked to go back into the hangar and it was time for the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car.  If you check the galactic interweb it’s already out there that the star this time is Ron Howard. What an interesting chap. It’s a good interview. It’s an excellent programme overall.  The News should be shown in full, without edits.  That’s all I can say. I have to say they did it in one take apart from a tiny bit at the beginning where James did the intro … I think it had to be redone because the applause or some noise made it difficult to hear the first few words. 
So that’s the first draft of the day… I will write up some more but now I have to work.  You know the stuff that actually pays the bills. 

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